Community Board

If your child is entitled to funding, please ensure you log onto your account and re confirm your hours. With this in mind if you are claiming new funding you will have been given a funding form, please could you ensure this is handed in as soon as you can so your details can be added to  the portal and your child does not miss out on funding. Any child that is moving from 15-30 hours will use the same code, as along as the hours are re-confirmed. From September 2025 all children under the age of 5 will receive 30 hours funding to working families. Following this i am aware some of you may wish your child to attend nursery for more sessions, if this is the case, places are very limited so please let me know as soon as you can and we can hopefully allocate you all with any extra days you require. Also for all pre-school children accessing 30hrs  funding can i please remind parents that funded days run from 7:30-5:30, if you require any additional hours the owners have asked us to charge and extra £5.00 per half hour if you require this please let me know


House keeping

Could I please ask that all parents close the gate on entering and exiting the nursery, this will prevent children from running onto the road when being collected at the end of the night while parents are talking to the nursery practitioners.

Upcoming Events...

Up and coming events

Easter Stay and Play – Saturday 12th April

As always this is a perfect opportunity for parents to experience some of the activities nursery provide and getting to know other parent and children.

Comic relief/ Red Nose Day- W/C 17th March
For a small donation we will be having a wacky hair week to raise money for Comic relief. We’re looking forward to seeing your funky hair designs the wackier the better!
Graduation Pictures (pre-School only) – Wednesday 14th May

What We've Been Up To...

Term Dates and Christmas Closure