Community Board

If your child is entitled to funding, please ensure you log onto your account and re confirm your hours. With this in mind if you are claiming new funding you will have been given a funding form, please could you ensure this is handed in as soon as you can so your details can be added to  the portal and your child does not miss out on funding. Any child that is moving from 15-30 hours will use the same code, as along as the hours are re-confirmed. From September 2025 all children under the age of 5 will receive 30 hours funding to working families. Following this i am aware some of you may wish your child to attend nursery for more sessions, if this is the case, places are very limited so please let me know as soon as you can and we can hopefully allocate you all with any extra days you require. Also for all pre-school children accessing 30hrs  funding can i please remind parents that funded days run from 7:30-5:30, if you require any additional hours the owners have asked us to charge and extra £5.00 per half hour if you require this please let me know


House keeping

Could I please ask that all parents close the gate on entering and exiting the nursery, this will prevent children from running onto the road when being collected at the end of the night while parents are talking to the nursery practitioners.

Upcoming Events...

Tempest Photographer- Wednesday 16th October.  Please feel free to bring some special clothes in for your child to change into for their photographs. If your child is not in on that day you may bring them in at 10:30am to have their picture taken.

Diwali Stay and Play- (all children and parents on Tuesday 29th October 6:15pm – 7:30pm this will include a curry supper.

Children in Need- Friday 15th November We will be raising money for children in need on w/c 13th November we will be dressing in pyjamas or spots on the Friday . We will be creating activities all week and children that do not attend on that day may dress up in pyjamas or spots on the day they attend. Could we please ask for a donation of £1 the box will be available all week for donation please ask a member of staff.

Christmas Party- Hutton Village hall  on Saturday 7th December 10:00am-12:00pm as this event is funded by ourselves we are asking for £5 per child to cover the cost of the hall, food, father Christmas presents etc. Please can this be handed in as soon as possible so we can cater for the numbers. Everyone is welcome to this event the more the merrier. The hunt for a Father Christmas is already on as my father that did a wonderful job last year sadly past away shortly after, so if anyone knows of anyone who would love to bring  joy to our Christmas please let us know.

Christmas Dinner Day– Wednesday 11th December

Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 12th December

Pantomime at The Atkinson in Southport -(for pre-school children only) Friday 13th December parents should have received a permission letter could we please have payment in by the end of next week if you would like your child to take part.

Nativity at Hutton Village Hall -(pre-School l children only) Wednesday 18th December children to arrive at 5:45pm and the performance to start at 6:00pm (details to follow).

What We've Been Up To...

Term Dates and Christmas Closure

Nursery Closes for all children on Christmas Eve at 12:30pm and will reopen on Thursday 2nd January

Last day of term will be Friday 18th  October and return to  nursery on Monday 28th October.

Last day of term for Christmas will be Friday 13th December and return to nursery on Monday 6th January.